Leadership in een Agile Omgeving

Leadership in een Agile Omgeving

4 June 2019 (14-21u)
Locatie: Parker Hotel (Diegem)
Gepresenteerd in het Nederlands door Steven Deneir en Erik Talboom
Prijs: 720 EUR (excl. 21% BTW)
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Wat leert u tijdens deze workshop ?

Deze introductie tot Agile Leiderschap zal u bewuster maken van het belang en het gebruik van agile leiderschapsdenken, leiderschapsfocus en leiderschapsgedrag, en is een geweldige manier om je reis als Agile Leader te starten.

Deelnemers aan deze workshop zullen competenties in agile leiderschap bespreken en uitdiepen, wat hun effectiviteit als leider in een complexe en snel veranderende omgeving verhoogt. Deze workshop zoekt een balans tussen informatie delen, conversaties en samenwerking tussen de aanwezigen.

De link zal worden gemaakt naar frameworks zoals Management 3.0, LeSS (Large Scale Scrum), Certified Agile Leadership, en The Personal Responsibility Process™.

Voor wie is deze workshop bedoeld en waarom zou u eraan deelnemen ?

Deze workshop richt zich tot iedereen in een leiderschapspositie, gaande van Scrummasters, product owners, process owners, team leaders, line managers, project managers, programma managers, ... die één of meerdere van onderstaande topics beter wensen te begrijpen:

Vereisten om aan deze workshop deel te nemen

Merk op dat dit geen workshop is die de rollen product owner of scrum master gaat toelichten. Deze workshop gaat over leiderschap in een agile omgeving, wat zowel van de product owner, de scrum master, het team en de organisatie errond verwacht wordt.

 Volledig Programma

13.30u - 14.00u
Registratie, koffie/thee en croissants
De deelgebieden binnen Agile Leiderschap
Interactieve sessies omtrent

Deze sessies worden onderbroken voor koffie rond 15u45 en een diner-buffet rond 18u00.

20.45u - 21.00u
Afsluiting van de workshop, Finale Q & amp; A, Discussie en Besluit
Einde van deze workshop


Steven Deneir (Co-Learning)

Steven Deneir is een Agile Coach, Trainer en Facilitator bij Co-Learning.

Having been a developer for quite a few years allowed me to experience how it was to be a team member surrounded by a traditional management. I was sure it could be done better, so I arrived in a role of Quality Officer.

Being "responsible" for all kinds of processes ranging from requirements definition to organizational training I had to do so many template-based implementations because "this is how it is done", that my search continued for better ways of delivering solutions for the customer.

And so I ended up in agile frameworks. First making the mistakes of barely executing the Scrum ceremonies, followed by a continuous learning and experimenting phase, makes that I am now an agile coach, trainer and facilitator. If you want to reach the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner or AgilePM Practitioner certified levels..., then I'm your trainer.

But that is just in short my story. More important is: how can I help you and your organisation?

Erik Talboom (Co-Learning)

Erik Talboom is een Agile & Lean Coach, Trainer, Software Craftsman en Collaboration Architect bij Co-Learning.

If one would have to describe Erik Talboom in one line, it would no doubt be "loves helping people". Helping others seems to be his drive for as long as he can recall: back in school, Erik used to tutor his co-students. A skill that naturally brought him to a teaching career later on. In his early professional years, Erik worked as a software development teacher at the CVO Antwerp and Karel De Grote Hogeschool Antwerp, spending his spare time working as a freelance developer.

Soon, Erik chose the path of a fulltime developer, but teaching and helping others stuck with him. Therefore, he gradually focused on a different style of development: helping others develop their skills.

Throughout his life and work, Erik's main characteristic is emotion: it guides his decisions, inspires and motivates him and proved to be a great strength on many occasions.

Using this emotional, helpful approach, Erik's mission is to help teams and organizations by improving their way of collaborating, helping them getting things done and, basically, reaching their full potential by training sessions, meeting facilitation, individual coaching of team members and opposing different and fresh perspectives.

Being a passionate gamer on top of all this, Erik believes in enhancing work through play: improving your way of collaborating and working while having fun.

Questions about this ? Interested but you can't attend ? Send us an email !
