Hands-on Workshop Registration

BA&Beyond 2019, the Second Annual BA Conference has a total of 28 interesting presentations, so you will have to choose the ones that are most interesting for you. Before the plenary closing keynote session with Lynda Girvan, you can choose from 18 twenty-minute presentations, 6 sponsor presentations and 3 hands-on workshops, spread over 3 conference rooms: Ballroom I, Ballroom II and Klimt.

Please take the time to look at the full programme and build your own programme.

These 3 hands-on workshops are organised in room Klimt:

The regular sessions in Ballroom I and Ballroom II have no participants limit. You can simply choose during the day, and switch rooms during coffee breaks. However, to ensure good interactivity, the hands-on sessions in room Klimt will be limited to 40 participants. For fairness, you can attend up to 2 hands-on sessions. Remaining free seats will be available for everyone during the event on a first-come first-served basis.

So if you want to attend one of them, it is a good idea to reserve your seat up front by filling out the form below ... Please select 1, maximum 2 hands-on workshops that you want to attend.

The Workshop "Thought Sketching" is now COMPLETELY FULL, so you can't choose that one ...

You will be redirected to the Full programme at the BA & Beyond Web site